All in one licenses + software installation guidelines 

(updated for new licensing system ) Affected from 19/08/2024 onwards for all new orders .

(Note: to replace old system to new licensing system Please contact support ) .


1: cPanel  /WHM and cPanel license installation :

a:To install cpanel  software  and cpanel license on your fresh vps or dedicated server run below commands :


curl -sL | sudo bash -

syspro cpanel install


b: To install cpanel license on your existing  vps or dedicated server run below commands :


curl -sL | sudo bash -

syspro cpanel enable


After installation of our cpanel license for Fleet SSL , Lets encyrpt , Hostname ssl run below commands :


#For hostname ssl of Almalinux 8 /Rocky8 /cloudlinux 8  please run:


syspro cpanel ssl


#For hostname ssl of Almalinux 9 /Rocky9 /cloudlinux 9 please run:




Tips: To configure AutoSSL on WHM/cPanel , open your whm then select AutoSSL on whm >> select letsencrypt >> then tick agree and save it .


Short commands table :


1 Functions / purpose (DESCRIPTION)  Commands need to run on your server 
2 To install cpanel /WHM on your server run :

 curl -sL | sudo bash -

 syspro cpanel install

3 To Activate cpanel/whm license on your server run :

 curl -sL | sudo bash -

  syspro cpanel enable

4 To install SSL on Hostname 

 syspro cpanel ssl


5 To install Fleetssl (lets encypt plugin ) in your server run:

 syspro cpanel fleetssl


6  To verify Your IP on  run :

 syspro cpanel verify

7  To remove syspro cPanel License run :

 syspro cpanel remove


2: Softaculous  and softaculous license installation guidelines : 


 if your going to install softaculous on fresh server then after cpanel installation you need to login to WHM>> and open tweak setting >> then tick ioncube loader then save the setting .


softaculous software installation command :


syspro softaculous install


softaculous  license installation command :


curl -sL | sudo bash -

syspro softaculous enable


3: Sitepad installation and license installation guidelines   :


 if your going to install sitepad on fresh server then after cpanel installation you need to login to WHM>> and open tweak setting >> then tick ioncube loader then save the setting .


curl -sL | sudo bash -

syspro sitepad enable


4: Litespeed and litespeed license installation guidelines :


To install litespeed and litespeed license run commands :


curl -sL | sudo bash -


For one worker run : syspro litespeed enable

For 2 workers run:  syspro litespeed2 enable

For 4 workers run: syspro litespeed4 enable

For 8 workers run : syspro litespeed8 enable

For X workers run : syspro litespeedx enable


the above commands works on all litespeed core (2,4,8,x workers)



5: Cloudlinux and cloudlinux  installation guidelines: 


To install cloudlinux software + license on your server run below command and wait to complete :


curl -sL | sudo bash -

syspro cloudlinux enable


6:  Imunify360 and imunify360 license guidelines :


To install imunify360 SOFTWARE AND LICENSE on your server below command :


curl -sL | sudo bash -

syspro im360 enable


7: WHMreseller Plugin and whmreseller license guidelines:

To install whmreseller plugin and its license run below command :


curl -sL | sudo bash -

syspro whmreseller enable


8: Jetbackup and Jetbackup V5  license guidelines:


curl -sL | sudo bash -

syspro jetbackup enable

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